
Rules of Fraquetball
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These are the Rules of Fraquetball. Adopted November 22, 2004.

The Rules of Fraquetball

Section One

Article One

To Score a Point. To score a point you must hit the ball past the goal line. Then the ball must either hit the ground, person, or an object on the other side of a line. So therefore if the ball passes the invisible line but the goalie hits it back to the other side of the goal line before it hits anything the ball is still in play. If the defender is standing on the other side of the line any block is void and a point will be given to the opposing team. However, if the feet are on the line, or in front of it, but the defender blocks it the ball is still in play. If a goalie jumps up to block a ball, the ball will remain in play if the following events occurred. The goalie’s feet must have been planted on, or in front of the goal line prior to his leap. Upon returning to the ground, the defender must be in front of the line if the ball has remained with him. However, the defender may land behind the line as long as the ball is in front of the goal line.

Article Two.

Refereeing on a matter of goals. At the beginning of the game two scorekeepers sill be assigned. One to record offensive statistics, the other to record defensive statistics. These scorekeepers also hold the responsibility of judging whether a shot is a goal or not. During the playoffs a line judge will be assigned to call goals. But if a scorekeeper wishes to have a line judge, he may request a line judge if he is able to find one. A volunteer may not force himself on a scorekeeper. But if he does not want a line judge it is not necessary for him to have one, however a committee member may overrule a scorekeeper in this manner, and can appoint a line judge, to assist the scorekeeper. And the line judge or scorekeeper (whoever is in charge) always has the final say. However, if a committee member who is not playing in the game wishes it, he may ask for a second opinion. If the second opinion agrees, their call will be final. But if they disagree, and cannot come to a resolution a third opinion will be requested, a player, or former player, who had a good view of the play, will make the decision.

Section Two

Article One

Judgment on line crossing. A three strike rule will be in affect concerning crossing the middle divider line. The two line judges(or scorekeepers) will confer and decide whether a strike will be given.

On the third offense the offender must give up possession of the ball the next time it comes to him. A foul is also recorded at this juncture. On the fourth offense another foul will be called. This punishment of fouls being called will continue for the future offenses.

Article Two

Services. Regarding services, the server must be behind the goal line at all times during the serve. (Except on the follow through.) The server may serve any style he sees best fit. A server can double fault. To do this, he must have had two faults. A fault can be called by the line judge or scorekeeper. To fault the server must do one of the following. If the ball does not cross the divider line it is considered a fault. If the ball hit’s the server’s teammate it is considered a fault. Automatic Double Faults. It is possible for a server to commit an automatic double fault. That is, to double fault, after one service. This takes place after the server hit’s the ball, but it crosses the goal line. Example: Server hit’s the ball at the lockers. The ball bounces past the server, past the goal line. This may be averted if the server (or his teammate) makes contact with the ball before it crosses the goal line. This is applicable even if the ball makes contact with the server (or his teammate) and still crosses the goal line. Strikeout. A strike occurs when a server swings at the ball, but makes no contact. Three strikes make a strikeout. A strikeout has the same result as a Double Fault, or an Automatic Double Fault. A goal is recorded for the opposing team, but no goal is given to an individual player.

Section Three

Article One

Timeouts. If during the game a person comes into the Fraquetball court play is immediately stopped, by the call of timeout. The team with possession retains it. Play remains stopped until the person is out of play, and ‘Game on’ is called by either a committee member, line judge, or scorekeeper. If timeout was not called but a person is in the court, the ball will be given to the team that had possession before the person came into play. A team is given one timeout each game. This timeout may last up to thirty seconds.

Article Two

Switching Sides. At the end of each point the two teams will switch sides. This takes place no matter what the score is, and no matter what occurred on the preceding point.

Article Three

First Service. At the beginning of each game a coin will be tossed. Prior to the tossing of the coin, the team with more Fraquetball seniority will call either heads or tails. In the event of a tie, the team that has been together longer decides. In the event of a tie, the older team decides. The coin will then be tossed. Whoever’s side it landed on then makes a decision. They can choose to have first service or first defense.

Section Four

Article One

Fouls. A foul may be called when both line judges, (or scorekeepers) agree that there was an intentional act that is not in the spirit of the game. When a player has committed three fouls, he is automatically ejected, and may not be replaced. A foul may also be called when a player is complaining about something and both line judges, (or scorekeepers) agree that the player has stepped out of line. Violations. Repeated violations can result in a foul. All of the following are violations: Crossing the line, wearing excessively baggy clothing, (i.e. unzipped jackets), handling the ball with palms,

Section Five

Article One

Rules of the committee. Concerning banning of a Fraquetball player. To ban a player, the banning must pass with at least 80% majority. Banned players may be reinstated if it passes the committee with 100% of the vote. To kick a committee member out, the measure must pass with at least 100% majority, discounting the player being replaced. When banning the Commissioner, the measure must pass with 100% majority. When picking new committee members the remaining committee members will democratically decide who will replace the old committee members. When a Commissioner retires, he nominates his successor, and the committee votes up or down on the nominee. Amendments to the constitution must pass with 100% of the vote. On all other voting measures, 60% of the vote is required. Former committee members with tenure (served at least two seasons, played at least three) become Senior Advisers, and are able to vote on the Hall of Fame. Also the Commissioner has the right to invoke the "tradition clause" at any time so long as s/he is not currently playing. This means that the Commissioner can call a rule even if it isn't in the constitution, as long as it has traditionally been a rule of Fraquetball. If a person wishes to contest a "tradition clause" measure, the matter will be brought to a vote by the Committee, and a quorum is necessary to rule, as it always is. A quorum is achieved by having at least three committee members present, including the Commissioner. These three may act as the committee normally would, voting on any pertinent matter.

**** Amended June 2007. From now on in addition to the Fraquetball Committee, a new ruling body has been introduced, The Commissioner's Committee. The Commissioner's Committee is made up of all former Commissioner's, as well as the current Commissioner. However, this Committee's power is not quite as far reaching as the Fraquetball Committee. Anything they pass must be unanimous. And they only have the power to amend the constitution, ban players, and they are also entitled to vote on season awards and hall of fame balloting.

Section 6

Article One

Offensive Scorekeeping. A shot. A shot is recorded when a player hit’s the ball with his/her paddle, or if it is hit and has sufficient enough speed to be considered a shot. A goal is recorded when a goal takes place. Refer to Section One Article One. An ace is recorded when and ace takes place. Refer to Section Two Article Two. Defensive Scorekeeping. A save is recorded when the goalie stops the ball, and the ball was moving at a high enough speed that the scorekeeper considered it a danger to score. A block is recorded when the offensive player hit’s the ball, and the front defender stops the ball, by blocking it. A steal is recorded when the player stealing the ball steals it from the other side of the court. For a steal to be recorded this must have not happened if the player was not there. Members per Team. Only two players are allowed to be on a team and on the court at the same time, unless one of the members is a seventh grader, though a team still may only have two players on the court, they are permitted a sub. There is no limit on substitutions. The Graduate Rule. Following the 2007 season, graduates are no longer permitted to play, unless the Graduate is a former Commissioner. After all, they made this game possible for you, and you owe them more than you could imagine.

    ****Ammended March 2006. Turnovers will now be recorded. A turnover occurs when the front defensiveman who has possesion of the ball allows a steal. Also, serves will no longer count as shots, but their own seperate category. And the same will hold true for aces. And when on offense, when shooting, there must be three seconds between contact of the ball and the hand.

Don't like something in the rules? Talk to Commissioner Jesson, and most likely, if he can find the time, he'll politely ignore you.

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